Friday, September 28, 2007

Day Five-Tammy's Vacation

Day 5 was a good animal day. We were out of the hotel by 5 a.m. so we could be in Lamar Valley for sunrise. Lamar Valley is your best chance at seeing a wolf. We were in Lamar Valley and ready to go before the sun came up. We saw lots of Bison. We also spotted another large brown speck in the distance. Out came the spotting scope and we could see a grizzly bear. You could tell it was a grizzly by the hump behind his head. We created the small traffic jam that morning. Everyone kept asking us what we were watching till a small group formed. We could hear wolves every once in a while but it was hard to spot them. Eventually they came up near to the bear we were watching. This was such a distance there was no way for a picture even if they would have stuck around. Later, we left Lamar Valley for Mammoth Hot Springs and along the way we came upon a bear jam. We were directly behind the park ranger trying to get everyone back to their cars and out of danger so that we got to go through at a very nice pace. This was my shot...out the car window.

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