Sunday, August 12, 2007


I purchased a camera recently to take on my vacation. My boyfriend and I went to Oregon last year and I had my point and shoot digital. I took okay pictures but I wanted more. However, I didn't think I wanted an SLR either. I wanted the ability to point and shoot but also wanted the ability to play some too. I decided upon the Canon S3. I know the S5 just came out but I just didn't think the upgrades were enough for me to purchase it. I may regret that in a year or two. Anyway, the point of my post is that I love playing with black and white, always have. Even with the Brownie camera we had growing up. I always purchased the black and white film then and again when I had my Pentax manual camera. (The brownie camera got lost over the years through my parents divorce and moves. I would love to have it now even if it was just to display it on a shelf somewhere.) My new camera has the ability to pick one color and then black and white everything else. A new dimension to my black and whites, I am so excited. Here are some samples of my effort to learn the camera.

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